Course introduction – preview of FSALM course
In this section you’ll find some sample lessons from the “Flying Start to A-level Maths” course.
This course is divided into sections:
Part 1: Fractions, surds, indices, vectors
Part 2: Algebra (the biggest part of the course!)
Part 3: Coordinate geometry and graphs
Part 4: Trigonometry
Part 5: Statistics: Data handling
Part 6: Statistics: Probability
Part 7: Mechanics
Each section contains the relevant videos, accompanying worksheets with full model solutions and sometimes additional supporting resources too.
On the full course there is over 10 hours of video content, with a suggested 10-week study schedule – though you can do it at whatever pace you like.
The video lessons are typically around 20 minutes long, but each one has numerous opportunities for you to pause the playback and practise answering questions, which means that using the videos properly will take considerably longer than just the playback time. If you do this then you’ll gain MUCH more benefit than if you were to simply watch them straight through.
If you’re confident that you don’t need to work through the lesson for a section then go straight to the relevant worksheet and do that. If you’re able to complete it and get the right answers without difficulty then you’re probably OK to skip that lesson.
Some topics are covered in both this and the Grade 4 Essentials course, but with adjustments for the different target audiences.